Monday, February 6, 2012

Ella's Favorite Part of the Day at Ms. Kath's

We do a lot all morning long.  Ella works really hard - always trying to do her best and always up for anything I throw at her.  We also go on lots of outings - zoo, parks, botanical gardens, Target :)  Afternoon is for eating lunch (in or out) and a quiet rest time.  But Ella's favorite part of the day is the Leslie part of the day.  After nap, Ella starts wondering aloud what Leslie might be doing at the moment and if Leslie will be able to play after we pick her up.  Most days, Leslie is able to put off homework and go out into the backyard with Ella where they create magical fairy worlds, swing in the tree swing, blow bubbles, kick the ball, or just read a book out in the fresh air.  It's so nice to see them playing together.  One who is happy to step back into childhood play for a few moments and the other who loves having an older - but not quite an adult - playmate for an hour.

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