Monday, January 23, 2012

valentine math


addition mat with valentine erasers

addition with stickers

counting stickers

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beginning Sounds Box

Today we explored the Montessori Beginning Sounds Box.  Ella loved all of the little things and was very interested in dumping everything out and sorting it back into the appropriate cubby.  We are on a search for something that begins with Qq and something that begins with Uu :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcoming the New Year!

We started off the New Year with a treasure hunt - geocaching at the park with Leslie.  Leslie's i-phone ap (and a helpful hospital worker who happened to know what we were up to) helped us find our first ever treasure.  This one was just a log book for writing your name.  Ella and Leslie are hoping for some real loot next time :)
I found Leslie's old lap harp.  Ella immediately recognized that playing it was just like following a dot to dot!
Ella tried weaving for the first time.  She was so proud of herself!  I showed her how to do it once and she was off and running with it!  She said:  Oh, I get it!  A pattern!  I can do that!!!