Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Playdough Monsters

Botanical Gardens

perfect day
learning new things

giving the flowers a drink of water
being the center of attention :)
. . . and a spot of tea to finish off the morning!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Our Week in Photos

Our week started out with rain and had us snuggling in for two days - making applesauce, watching a Disney movie, and playing lots of board games!  Luckily, our weather turned sunny and spectacular in time for our Thursday story hour at the library and our fabulous Friday outing at the pumpkin patch and park.

pumpkin patch

Today we ventured across town to the pumpkin patch at St. Monica's - the next best thing to a "real" pumpkin patch up north :)  The mini wheelbarrows were a big hit.  Ella also loved all of the scarecrows that were scattered around the patch.  The only thing missing was the little farm building that serves doughnuts and cider!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

busy october

enjoying the backyard and the somewhat cooler weather

blowing (and popping!) bubbles
reading Halloween stories and making Halloween monsters

fun at the park

making haunted houses
writing (and receiving) letters to/from Mrs. K, our pen pal and book buddy
. . . and counting down the days till Halloween

going to the zoo, zoo, zoo . . .

That Raffi song has been playing in my head.  Wonder why?  Ella and I had such a great day at the zoo on Friday.  We fed the giraffes & the ducks, rode the boat to monkey island, saw honey badgers and alligators and . . . We can't wait to go back :)